Richard Galvan and Sonia Galvan claim in their depositions that they never held any type of leadership roles over youth or young people. There are sworn affidavits from pastors, board members of the church, and former church members that stated what the Galvan’s claim was and is a lie. Secondly, there are numerous news articles where Richard Galvan and Sonia Galvan were interviewed as Youth Pastors.
Should Richard or Sonia Galvan be able to have a leadership role in any capacity when it comes to youth or young people, especially young women? Do parents deserve to know the truth of Richard Galvan’s sexual past, as well as he and Sonia Galvan’s countless lies? Richard, along with being on the board for the FCA of South Texas, also participated in the HCISD school system as an “ambassador”. This is clearly a role of leadership and authority. I assume that parents of students want assurance that when they send their child to school they are around upstanding adults and teachers, and not subject to be around men like Richard Galvan, who’s past and actions speak for itself. The same can be said of Sonia Galvan, who has not only lied about her husband’s sexual assault, but has continued to enable the behavior by telling different stories throughout written and oral discovery.