An Open Letter To A Predator


You know what you did. Your wife knows what you did. Your children know what you did. Your friends know what you did. God knows what you did.

Grace and forgiveness comes to those who are repentant, which you have never expressed. When you hurt a child, when you use the name of Jesus as your tool for manipulation and grooming, you deserve the consequences here on Earth and the judgment of the Lord. Your sin will always have a way of catching up to you.

It doesn’t matter if the general masses read this, all that matters is that you read it. You know it’s for you.

You hid in plain site behind your spiritual mask, and used it for your sick and twisted desires. You stole innocence and took things that weren’t yours to take because of the evil that is inside you.

We know people like yourself don’t change. You know it too. Luckily for you the statute of limitations in Texas prevents you from prison, but that could change at anytime.

You may be able to manipulate others into thinking this was a “moral failure” or a past sin that should be forgiven- but we know your history. We know this behavior is longstanding, deep rooted, and was a crime.

So, here’s the request: Turn yourself in. If you are truly repentant for what you have done, confess to law enforcement, your friends, and your family publicly. Take your punishment. It will be minor compared to the judgement you receive on the other side of this earth if you don’t.

In Need of an Attorney?

If you live in Texas, and are in need of an attorney who will fight for you, follow the law, give you sound advice, and be honest about your legal situation, we highly recommend The Law Office of C. Davis Chapman. He has fought tirelessly since 2018 on our case, and 5 stars wouldn’t be a high enough rating for his efforts.

Contact C. Davis Chapman at

The Harvey Weinstein/Richard Galvan Connection

Watched the Harvey Weinstein documentary called “Untouchable” last night. I highly suggest it. It was and eye opening documentary for me. All of the assaults were preventable, if more people would have stood up and spoke out against it.

Standing idly by or quietly (ESPECIALLY after the court has already deemed an assault criminal, and a matter of public concern), is enabling, and empowering criminals like Richard Galvan and Harvey Weinstein to continue to commit assaults against other innocent victims. Richard Galvan had enough warning signs (publicly documented) to keep him away from ANY type of leadership over young women.

Do you know why Richard Galvan (and many sex predators like Weinstein) are able to sexually assault these girls? Because churches, schools, organizations, and people ignored the warning signs.

Calvary Christian School in Harlingen, Texas knew about Richard Galvans prostitution arrest by doing a background check and still allowed him to coach the girls basketball team.

Bill and Anne Moore (pastors of Livingway Family Church in Brownsville/Harlingen) refused to ever hear the truth about Richards assault, and instead threatened to sue us for speaking out and blocked us on social media.

The RGV Fellowship of Christian Athletes (in which Galvan was on the board, as well as a minister) ignored our warnings, and blocked us on social media.

Legends Junior Tour has ignored every attempt made to warn them about Richard Galvans actions, in an attempt to protect young female golfers from him by warning their parents.

LTISDSchools has blocked us from multiple school ran accounts for our attempts to notify them of The Galvans criminal behavior. They have ignored it, and done nothing (that we have been told) to prevent Richard from having access to young girls at the school, nor have they made any attempts to warn parents who’s daughters may be in close proximity to the Galvans.

Then we have friends and acquaintances of the Galvans. Some have told us “be careful he’s a shark”, some have told us “I always knew something was off with him”, most have said they never liked Richard or Sonia. Some have decided to stay manipulated by the Galvans and allow their daughters to be around them… I assume out of fear. No matter why, it’s undeniably asinine as a parent to allow Richard anywhere close to a young women.

This behavior only continues when people do and say nothing. Richard Galvan (like Weinstein) preyed on weakness and used their perceived power to sexually abuse women. The truth is, the characteristics of a predator are all very similar. Harvey Weinstein used his power to coerce girls to have sex with them and he would help their career, while Richard said it would heal Hannah spiritually. The warning signs are the same. We must speak out against it. Click video below to see some clips that stood out.

Taken from “Untouchable” The documentary about Harvey Weinstein.

Not a Unique Story…. Sadly

Alleged abusers often allege the word “consensual” when referring to “what happened.”

Our story is not unique, sadly.

When victims of abuse begin to finally understand what happened to them, and begin to peel back the many layers of the grooming, manipulation, and perversion masterfully used by a sexual predator, many decide to speak out. The timeline in which this happens varies from person to person. Some are filled with so much shame they are too afraid to ever speak out, while others realize if they don’t the same cycles of abuse could happen to other innocent women.

Regardless of why, how, when, or if a victim ever decides to speak, they ARE victims none the less.

The word “consensual” has been used by so many predators in sexual assault/clergy abuse cases we have read about. It was used in our case by Richard and Sonia Galvan, who then decided in their depositions (years after they filed their lawsuit) to take it a step further by blaming the victim for the assault happening. All of this after they filed a frivolous and malicious lawsuit against us for defamation (by stating it was all false). Only after they were so cornered from the lies that they told did they change their story, which they described the assault as a “consensual personal relationship”.

The truth is simple. Richard Galvan is a rapist, a sexual deviant, a groomer, a manipulator, a thief, a liar, and a man who used the Gospel and Christianity to gain access to young women to take their innocence. We have proof of this. His wife Sonia Galvan is fully aware of his actions, and has decided to go down with the ship…. and going down it is.

No matter how much they would love to become the victims in this story, this is what almost every predator who gets caught does. Their narcissistic ego-filled pride comes before their own innocent family members and friends. In fact predators will often use their own children as a shield against the truth to gain sympathy from others after they’ve been exposed for who they are. This is what The Galvan’s have done, and have continued to do.

Richard and Sonia- you are not the victims. You never will be. Truth will win.

Richard Galvan continues to lie throughout discovery.

After losing their defamation lawsuit against Blaine and Hannah Crews, Richard and Sonia Galvan nonsuited their remaining causes of action against the Crews’s. In their depositions both Richard and Sonia admit that Blaine Crews never threatened them, yet Richard and Sonia sued the Crews’s for assault by threat. Now that they are being sued by the Crews’s for malicious prosecution they are attempting to lie again and change their story… yet again. How many lies are they going to have to try to dig themselves out of by the time we get to trial?

In his admissions answered December 17th, 2021, Richard is also trying to claim his sexual assault (which the court has already ruled on and deemed a matter of public concern) was consensual. He’s trying to act as if he didn’t serve (voluntarily or not) as the youth pastor during the time of the assault. This is proven by affidavits from the pastor of the church, board members, former members, and former youth group members. They all signed sworn affidavits that stated Richard Galvan was the youth pastor during all relevant times. Ordained or not, he served in that leadership role at the church, and he also would preach at FCA events. He and Sonia were also interviewed by numerous newspapers as such. There can be NO consent in this situation. He wants you to believe that he a 37 year old man who was the youth pastor, and employer of the 17 year old victim had a consensual relationship. Richard Galvan was in an authoritative role over Hannah, and used that influence to manipulate and coerce her into sex. This is just another blatant lie by The Galvan’s, and they are digging themselves into a hole that is going to be too deep to dig out of.

How much more evidence do we need to prove that Richard and Sonia Galvan are pathological liars? See attached photos for proof. In his deposition, Richard is asked directly whether or not he held any positions of leadership at Church of the Living Word. He says no. Yet, we have proof from the pastor of the church, as well as former members that confirm he was in fact the young adults pastor, and assisted with the youth group. Keep in mind that this was after his 2007 assault. You have to ask yourself, why Richard and Sonia would attempt to get back involved with young people at a different church after he had already assaulted a youth member previously? Why would Sonia keep enabling this behavior?

He is also asked in his deposition whether or not he graduated from college. He replies with “No I did not”, yet he boasts about “completing his degree from the University of Texas” on his website (which is no longer active).

In May of 2021, Richard and Sonia also admit in their depositions that Blaine never threatened them or their children. They also nonsuited their claims against Blaine for assault by threat. Yet, in December, 2021 Richard Galvan changes his admissions once again and is trying to say he was indeed threatened.

Richard and Sonia also deny in their depositions ever being youth pastors at Northway Bible Church, yet there are newspaper articles where they are interviewed as youth pastors during the time of the assault. There are also 5 affidavits from the pastor, former members, and board members that all state Richard was the youth pastor.

In his deposition Richard is shown records from his prostitution arrest. He denies the knowledge of ever seeing the documents (though his signature, birthday, and family members names are on them), and also denies ever being arrested for prostitution. After a short break he finally makes an admission.These are just scratching the surface of a few of the lies they are saying in an attempt to look like they are the victims. So, which version of their stories do we believe?

From Richard Galvan’s deposition.
Email from the pastor of Church of the Living Word stating Richard and Sonia did assist with the youth group, as well as lead the young adults.

Richard Galvan admits in his Deposition in May, 2021 that he didn’t graduate from college.

Yet, here he is boasting about completing his degree from the University of Texas…
From Richard Galvan’s depo when he admits Blaine never threatened him.
Sonia Galvan admits the same in her deposition.

From Richard Galvan’s depo in December, 2021 talking about his prostitution arrest.

Sonia Galvan’s sister Sandra Garza’s Facebook message threat.

On September 13th, Sandra Garza of Rudy Garza Funeral Homes sent a private message to the Facebook page “Expose Richard Galvan and Sonia Galvan”. The message shows the characteristics of not only Richard and Sonia Galvan, but apparently Sonia’s family as well.

The Galvan’s have no remaining causes of action against the Crews’s. They lost the defamation suit they brought against the Crews’s when the 13th Court of Appeals Memorandum Opinion ruled that Richard Galvan’s actions are a matter of public concern. The court determined that Richard Galvan used his position of power as a youth pastor to sexually assault a 17 year old girl in his youth group. Once the Galvan’s lost the defamation case, they voluntarily non-suited their remaining claims against the Crews’s.

The Galvan’s were deposed in May of 2020 because the Crews’s believed they had legitimate claims against them. In response to being deposed they continued their attack, attempted shaming, and harassment, and ordered the deposition of Hannah Crews solely. The Galvan’s original lawsuit was filed based on the actions of Blaine Crews, because he called the church and school the Galvan’s attended to warn them of his previous sexual deviant behavior. Yet the Galvan’s continued to show their behavior of bullying by solely deposing Richard’s victim Hannah, and refusing to depose Blaine.

Now Sonia’s family is showing the same abuse by “warning” that they are going to “expose” the victim in this case. This is the nature of their methods. We will not be bullied. This will not stand.

Sandra Garza (Sonia Galvan’s Sister) of Rudy Garza Funeral Home

Have you or someone you know been sexually harassed or assaulted by Richard Galvan? Contact us.

This website was created to expose the vile sexual acts of Richard Galvan, as well as he and Sonia Galvan’s malicious attempts to silence and bully the victim of his assault through a lawsuit. Between being arrested for prostitution, raping a 17 year old girl, admitting it, and then suing the victim and her husband for speaking out after admitting it, we want to know if there are other stories regarding Richard and Sonia Galvan that are similar in nature. If you have any concerns, complaints, or know anyone who has been abused or harassed in any way by Richard Galvan, we would love to hear from you. Has Richard Galvan sexually assaulted you? Has Richard or Sonia Galvan tried to bully, scam, or harass you? Please send us email to

Richard Galvan and Sonia Galvan
Contact us if you have been sexually harassed by Richard Galvan

Are Richard and Sonia Galvan the classic definition of Narcissists?

If you study the characteristics of narcissists, a few traits are certain. They are all habitual liars (most of the time when it’s not necessary) , they always play the victim, they are all experts in manipulation, they are schemers, they are entitled, they believe their own twisted sense of reality, they get angry and lose their tempers easy, they are all vain, they will do and say anything to maintain a sense of power and control, they never admit when they are wrong, never take responsibility for their actions, and the list goes on and on.

In this case, Richard and Sonia Galvan admitted to the truth of the sexual assault over the phone to Blaine. Only upon hearing it directly from their own mouths did he pursue efforts in notifying the community, and places where Richard had access to young women. So what did Richard and Sonia decide to do upon learning this was happening? They sued the ACTUAL victim of Richard Galvan’s crime, and lied to the courts in an attempt to become the victims themselves. Clearly their efforts didn’t work, but it shows the type of behavior and actions they are willing to take to not be exposed as the individuals that they truly are. Narcissists will lie to their families, friends, and community to create a false image about themselves and portray it to others as such.

In their depositions, and after losing their defamation lawsuit, Richard Galvan and Sonia Galvan finally admitted that the sexual assault occurred, even though they spent over a year claiming it was all false. They signed multiple sworn verifications and affidavits stating such. Remember, it’s not in a narcissists character to take full responsibility for their actions. So what did they do? They went on to say that the victim herself was the aggressor, and pinned Richard Galvan down, seemingly against his will. They want you to now believe that a 17 year old girl forcibly took down a grown man, and that Richard was the victim in this. This was also now the new story that Sonia Galvan was going with. With all of the different versions of the events they have told, there are too many cracks in their stories to keep up with, even for a trained narcissist. This is what happens. All narcissists hate being caught. They hate being wrong. Yet, narcissists will continue the trend of believing their own created false reality. Even when irrefutable truth is there (and documented by their own words, and the opinions of the court), they will still try to convince those around them that they are the real victims. It’s a cycle, and if you do any research on narcissism, it seems this is exactly what Richard and Sonia Galvan’s actions are founded on.

What they have yet to realize is, the truth won’t be hidden. It won’t be shut out, erased, or covered up. The Crews’s have filed a lawsuit against the Galvan’s for their actions. This lawsuit is going to expose every lie that the Galvan’s have tried to claim as true. As if there wasn’t enough evidence of it already on this website, we will continue to expose everyone involved in keeping the truth hidden surrounding this case.

Sonia Galvan’s social media engagement seems to show how she enables her and Richard Galvan’s behavior.

Sonia and Richard Galvan’s own depositions expose their lies, behaviors, and character. Using Christianity to twist it to fit a narrative that allows her to enable, accept, and then sue the victim of her husbands sexual assault is beyond all human decency. This is exactly what Sonia Galvan did, and continues to do, despite all of the mounting evidence that shows the manipulative and malicious nature of her and her husbands actions. This is exactly how and why sexual predators are able to get away with their disgusting behavior. It’s one thing for Sonia Galvan to be naive and blind to the truth. It’s another for her to be caught in a web of lies, admit the lies, then change her stories to try and save face, all while acting like a good Christian family.

This is why this website exists. To expose the wolves in sheep’s clothing. When reading the screen shots below keep this in mind. Sonia Galvan admitted to the truth over the phone to Blaine, changed her stories along with Richard Galvan, lied under oath while signing sworn affidavits, then after losing their defamation lawsuit acknowledged the events happened but switched her story to blame the victim for it. ALL of this after suing the victim and the victims husband for almost one million dollars under the false pretenses that the sexual assault never occurred in the first place. She also admitted (after losing her defamation lawsuit) that her sworn affidavit claiming Blaine threatened her and her children was indeed false, though her and Richard attempted to sue him for “assault by threat”.

Below are screenshots that have been taken during the pendency of the lawsuit. These screenshots were taken from the public account “dailydeclarations_” on instagram, and show just how twisted Sonia Galvan is that she uses the Word of God to somehow justify her and Richard Galvan’s behavior. You can see this by reading the captions, and seeing her comments below. Just like one of the posts below, we do agree that God does NOT delight in evil, but rejoices in truth. Truth WILL prevail, and that truth stands on the side of the Crews’s.

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