An Open Letter To A Predator


You know what you did. Your wife knows what you did. Your children know what you did. Your friends know what you did. God knows what you did.

Grace and forgiveness comes to those who are repentant, which you have never expressed. When you hurt a child, when you use the name of Jesus as your tool for manipulation and grooming, you deserve the consequences here on Earth and the judgment of the Lord. Your sin will always have a way of catching up to you.

It doesn’t matter if the general masses read this, all that matters is that you read it. You know it’s for you.

You hid in plain site behind your spiritual mask, and used it for your sick and twisted desires. You stole innocence and took things that weren’t yours to take because of the evil that is inside you.

We know people like yourself don’t change. You know it too. Luckily for you the statute of limitations in Texas prevents you from prison, but that could change at anytime.

You may be able to manipulate others into thinking this was a “moral failure” or a past sin that should be forgiven- but we know your history. We know this behavior is longstanding, deep rooted, and was a crime.

So, here’s the request: Turn yourself in. If you are truly repentant for what you have done, confess to law enforcement, your friends, and your family publicly. Take your punishment. It will be minor compared to the judgement you receive on the other side of this earth if you don’t.

The Harvey Weinstein/Richard Galvan Connection

Watched the Harvey Weinstein documentary called “Untouchable” last night. I highly suggest it. It was and eye opening documentary for me. All of the assaults were preventable, if more people would have stood up and spoke out against it.

Standing idly by or quietly (ESPECIALLY after the court has already deemed an assault criminal, and a matter of public concern), is enabling, and empowering criminals like Richard Galvan and Harvey Weinstein to continue to commit assaults against other innocent victims. Richard Galvan had enough warning signs (publicly documented) to keep him away from ANY type of leadership over young women.

Do you know why Richard Galvan (and many sex predators like Weinstein) are able to sexually assault these girls? Because churches, schools, organizations, and people ignored the warning signs.

Calvary Christian School in Harlingen, Texas knew about Richard Galvans prostitution arrest by doing a background check and still allowed him to coach the girls basketball team.

Bill and Anne Moore (pastors of Livingway Family Church in Brownsville/Harlingen) refused to ever hear the truth about Richards assault, and instead threatened to sue us for speaking out and blocked us on social media.

The RGV Fellowship of Christian Athletes (in which Galvan was on the board, as well as a minister) ignored our warnings, and blocked us on social media.

Legends Junior Tour has ignored every attempt made to warn them about Richard Galvans actions, in an attempt to protect young female golfers from him by warning their parents.

LTISDSchools has blocked us from multiple school ran accounts for our attempts to notify them of The Galvans criminal behavior. They have ignored it, and done nothing (that we have been told) to prevent Richard from having access to young girls at the school, nor have they made any attempts to warn parents who’s daughters may be in close proximity to the Galvans.

Then we have friends and acquaintances of the Galvans. Some have told us “be careful he’s a shark”, some have told us “I always knew something was off with him”, most have said they never liked Richard or Sonia. Some have decided to stay manipulated by the Galvans and allow their daughters to be around them… I assume out of fear. No matter why, it’s undeniably asinine as a parent to allow Richard anywhere close to a young women.

This behavior only continues when people do and say nothing. Richard Galvan (like Weinstein) preyed on weakness and used their perceived power to sexually abuse women. The truth is, the characteristics of a predator are all very similar. Harvey Weinstein used his power to coerce girls to have sex with them and he would help their career, while Richard said it would heal Hannah spiritually. The warning signs are the same. We must speak out against it. Click video below to see some clips that stood out.

Taken from “Untouchable” The documentary about Harvey Weinstein.
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