Memorandum Opinion by Chief Justice Dori Contreras of the 13th Court of Appeals in Texas regarding a matter of public concern surrounding Richard Galvan.
CEO’s of G5 Internet Services Richard Galvan and Sonia Galvan seem to be paying for articles. Why would they do this? If you understand anything about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) it’s a very simple answer. The more content, the more likely your chances are to rank up in google/yahoo/bing, etc. Why would they be doing this now? Well, that answer is also simple- because they probably don’t want the opinion from the 13th Court of Appeals to be easily searchable. Fortunately, no matter how many companies they hire and pay, this website is getting an average of 300 views a month. It would be almost impossible for it to be outranked, no matter how much Richard Galvan and Sonia Galvan would like it to be. Richard Galvan and Sonia Galvan should have thought about reputation management prior to his 2007 sexual assault of a teenage girl.
Article showing “paid content”Another article from “accesswire” clearly showing a firm has been paid to flood the internet with generic articles.
Richard Galvan has also appeared to have purchased the rights to a domain with his name. It’s a simple tactic with SEO to hire a reputation management company.
The 13th Court of Appeals Opinion written by Chief Justice Dori Contreras was released in October of 2019. Multiple legal websites posted it (which you can find here) and with an easy search on Google you could find it just by typing the names of the parties involved. After a few months they began disappearing from Google Search one by one, until they couldn’t be found. Assuming this was done at the request of The Galvan’s, this website was created to ensure the public has free and easy access to the public information. Over the last month there have been multiple articles (like the one below) posted regarding Richard and Sonia Galvan and their company G5 Internet Services. The Galvan’s have assumingely hired a company for reputation management (which they discussed in their depositions), as well as have seemingly attempted to get the opinion of the court ranking lower on Google and harder to find through a simple search. There are blog posts being released almost daily (all of which say generically the same thing, and written in a way to boost SEO). Clearly, this is an attempt to try and bury the court opinion.
The opinion from the court is that thisWAS and REMAINS a matter of public concern. The public has the right to know about Richard Galvan’s prior sexual misconduct, assault, and he and Sonia Galvan’s attempt to sue the victim into silence, despite how much they would like for it to be hidden by paying for generic articles which seem to be written by themselves (or from writers in Kenya).
Richard Galvan and Sonia Galvan appeared to have hired a company for reputation management. Generic article from a paid company hired by Richard and Sonia GalvanAnother Generic paid article “As engaged members of the community, Richard Galvan and Sonia Galvan support local, state, and international non-profit organizations. Most recently, they showed support for a battered women’s shelter in Nicaragua. They have served on numerous boards, directed local events, and sponsored many local activities. Sonia Galvan has served as a board member for Pregnancy Testing Center, a local, non-profit center for women that are pregnant. Richard Galvan has served as vice president for the City of Mercedes Economic Development Corporation for six years, FCA, and president for his local country club, and, until the pandemic hit, served on a cohort to build a new joint educational facility with Harlingen ISD and the University of Texas RGV.” Contributor Paul Wafula Paul Wafula is a serial entrepreneur who has founded multiple successful businesses in the field of writing, content marketing, web design and also SEO. Ever since graduating from the University of Nairobi, in Kenya, content marketing and writing has been one thing that Paul has been passionate about and now help’s entrepreneurs and businesses alike get their story heard across the world.