The South Texas Fellowship of Christian Athletes was notified about Richard Galvan’s prior sexual deviant behavior, as well as Bill Moore and Anne Moore of Livingway Family Church in Brownsville, TX. Richard Galvan served on the board for the FCA and was a member of Livingway Family Church, who according to the Melissa Barrera-Sosa (executive assistant to Bill and Anne Moore) was “a very active member”. The South Texas FCA blocked Blaine from being able to send messages via FB, nor would they speak to him over the phone about the serious allegations. He attempted to reach Nathan Jones (Multi Area Director) and Catherine Bain (Administrative Assistant). Bain also seems to run their FB page, and assumptively is who blocked Blaine from being able to send messages. The National FCA did take the matters serious enough and spoke to the Crews’s Attorney, but none of the leaders at the local level would.
The same can be said of Pastors Bill and Anne Moore of Livingway Family Church in Brownsville, TX who not only refused to speak about the matters, but their executive assistant Melissa Barrera- Sosa filed a sworn affidavit attempting to assist the Galvans by claiming Blaine went from “cordial to upset” when he was notified the pastors wouldn’t speak to him. That would be a normal emotion if an attempt to speak to the head pastors of a church (that assumptively has many young women who attend) refused to speak to you about matters that may protect said young women. It should have been at the very least a simple phone call from the pastors to hear the truth of these allegations for themselves. Instead, Bill Moore and Anne Moore not only refused to speak to the Crews’s or their attorney about the sexaul assault (which was criminal in nature), they seem to have allowed their assistant to assist Richard Galvan and Sonia Galvan by filing an affidavit (shown below). Oddly enough, when the Crews’s attorney called Living Way Family Church and spoke to one of the church secretaries, she said Bill and Anne Moore weren’t familiar with the Galvans. This is a lie. Richard Galvan admitted in his depositions that Bill Moore called him and text him regarding this situation multiple times. Their assistant Melissa Barrera- Sosa also states in her affidavit that the Bill Moore and Anne Moore met with Richard Galvan and Sonia Galvan. The truth is it seems The Moore’s are trying to cover for a sexual predator, or simply ignoring the truth. Either way, they are failing to do what is necessary to protect the young women of their church. The church has also deleted several comments on their social media platforms regarding the information, and Anne Moore blocked Blaine on social media.
Ideally, when you call to notify a church or school organization about something as disturbing and criminal as what Richard Galvan did to a 17 year old girl they would take the matters extremely serious. When we send our young people to school, or church, we expect the leaders or anyone in authority to be properly vetted for the protection of the students and young people. Also, it should be expected that matters are taken seriously by leadership when an attempt to speak the truth about the sexual assault of a teenage girl occurs. Pastors Bill and Anne Moore should be ashamed of themselves, as well as the behavior of the South Texas FCA. Even after the 13th Court of Appeals Opinion stating it was a matter of public concern, as well as admissions by Richard and Sonia Galvan’s own depositions neither the Administration from the South Texas FCA nor Pastors Bill and Anne more have yet to respond or reach out to the Crews’s or their attorney for comments.
After two years of ignoring the facts Livingway sent Blaine a FB message. It speaks for itself. Following the message and “threat” they blocked Blaine from being able to respond, as did the Youth Pastor of Livingway – Ryan Moore. So, the 13th Court of Appeals has deemed the actions of Richard Galvan a matter of public concern, Richard and Sonia’s depositions have admissions of criminal behavior and lies, and Livingway Family Church believes since they didn’t know the Galvan’s when the events took place, it’s none of their business… and we should let it go. The church is supposed to be a place of protection. Also remember- they filed an affidavit in support of the Galvan’s, and now want to act like they’ve had no part in this. They are hiding the truth, and trying to brush it under a rug.
Transcripts from Richard Galvans deposition below in which he acknowledges Pastor Bill Moore took his phone call, as well as called him back after Blaine attempted to reach him regarding Richard’s sexual assault, and criminal behavior. Yet, The Moore’s tried to act like they didn’t really know the Galvans. Oddly enough, Richard admits he called and told Bill Moore that Blaine threatened his children (not true). Richard later admitted in his deposition that was a lie. So- both pastors Bill and Anne Moore know the truth, they just refuse to acknowledge it.
Why would Bill Moore speak to an admitted sexual predator, but not the person speaking the truth regarding the allegations in an attempt to warn him that there was a sexual deviant in his church? Shouldn’t a pastor be concerned enough about the young women in his congregation to at least pick up the phone and call someone trying to speak about something like this? Instead, he has still to this day refused to speak to the Crews’s.
I want this to be clear. I have no ill feelings towards any of Richard or Sonia Galvans children, nor is it their fault that their father is a predator, and their mother is a lying enabler. They are innocent parties. However, Livingway Family Church hired their daughter on staff, and decided it would be a good idea to use her for a video regarding fasting. It wouldn’t normally be an issue, but the fact that there is ANY attempt by this “church” to allow the words “growing up my parents (Richard and Sonia Galvan) did this with us” to be promoted publicly in some way to show them in a good light is abhorrent.
Pastors Bill and Anne Moore have spent years completely silent regarding the truth, and in fact have never once publicly apologized for their lack of concern regarding a predator in their church. Now, it’s clear to say who’s side they are on, and it isn’t the side of truth.
The fact that they would allow a statement to be made by the daughter of a known predator (who the court had already deemed a matter of public concern) and her mother (who was caught in multiple counts of perjury in her deposition) is an attempt to suppress the truth and involvement surrounding the factual allegations made regarding the assault and subsequent lawsuit filed by the Galvans against Richards victim. This is not a real church.
See below for the Affidavit of Melissa Barrera-Sosa, Executive Assistant for Livingway Family Church, as well as screenshots from the FCA showing they blocked Blaine from being able to send messages.